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Add Google Analytics gtag.js to a site

Does the same thing as gatsby-plugin-google-analytics, but instead of adding deprecated analytics.js script, it uses gtag.js. Includes Outbound Link module.


npm install --save gatsby-plugin-gtag


// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-gtag`,
      options: {
        // your google analytics tracking id
        trackingId: `UA-XXXXXXXX-X`,
        // Puts tracking script in the head instead of the body
        head: false,
        // enable ip anonymization
        anonymize: true,

import { OutboundLink } from 'gatsby-plugin-gtag'

Use like any other anchor tag in your component: <OutboundLink href='yourwebsite.example'>Check out this site!</OutboundLink>


Puts tracking script in the head instead of the body. Default is false (render in the body)


Adds anonymize_ip flag when calling gtag. More info here.

Testing in development mode

By default gatsby-plugin-gtag will only load and run google analytics when process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'. To enable gtag in development mode set the environment variable GATSBY_GTAG_DEBUG=true gatsby develop.



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