Since Gatsby was founded, we’ve known that the people who use and work with Gatsby are among the best web developers, designers, and engineers on the planet. We also know that there are thousands of creative web development and design agencies out there that use Gatsby to make their client websites blazing-fast, SEO-friendly, and a delight to use.

While we’re already known as the fastest frontend framework for the headless web, we also have an ambition to be the absolute best technology partner a web development agency could ask for. To that end, we’ve been working hard on a number of projects to let agencies know how special they are to us.
Gatsby Best of 2021 Agency Awards
In late 2021, we kicked off the Gatsby Best of 2021 Agency Awards, a program designed to recognize and celebrate the great work that web agencies—of all sizes!—do with Gatsby. After several months of submissions, we winnowed down the entries to a number of finalists—and then winners—in each of five categories. I’d encourage you to check out all the winners of our Gatsby Best of 2021 Agency Awards to see all their ingenuity and creativity for yourself.
A Product Plan Specifically for Agencies
Continuing on that trend of working closely with our agency partners, we also just announced a new Gatsby for Agencies Plan specifically designed for the unique needs of our agency customers. My colleague Kate Griggs (@productbits) has written a blog post that goes over our new agency plan in additional detail.
More on the Gatsby Agency Directory
Along with our new bespoke pricing plan tailor-made for our agency partners, we’re continuing to build on our support for agencies by launching the Gatsby Agency Directory, a new section on the Gatsby website that displays information about agencies that work with the Gatsby Framework and allows them to easily connect with more customers.

If you’re looking for a web development agency, the directory allows you to search for agencies by geographic region, languages they support, technology platforms they’re proficient with, and other filtering criteria. We’ve worked hard to make the directory both a great resource for helping agencies find new clients and an indispensable tool for companies to find Gatsby developers and full-service web agencies to help them rebuild, maintain, or update their websites.
We’ll continue to tweak and improve the Gatsby Agency Directory over time, and we’d love to hear your feedback on how we can make it more useful to you. And, if you’d like to submit your agency for inclusion in the directory, please visit our Gatsby Agency Directory submission form for more information.
Don’t forget to check out all the other exciting Gatsby product news from Launch Week, tag our main Gatsby account on Twitter (@GatsbyJS) with your thoughts, or reach out to me directly on Twitter (@jeffjames3) if you have any questions about the Gatsby Agency Directory.