Jabberwocky: Building a Gatsby Silly Site Competition Winner
The story (and code) behind building a very silly, and very cool, animated website depicting one of the silliest poems ever written!

Netlify announces the next evolution of Gatsby Cloud. Learn more
The story (and code) behind building a very silly, and very cool, animated website depicting one of the silliest poems ever written!
BumHub: A silly idea, butt a firm working process. Hello, I’m Paul and for my Silly Site Challenge I created BumHub: “The cheekiest way to explore GitHub.” I developed this site in public and kept a dev diary of my progress throughout the challenge. For those of you who weren’t following along at home, here is a condensed rundown exposing my process behind building BumHub.
They came, they coded, they were seriously silly. Over 900 people registered for the first-ever Gatsby Silly Site Challenge, and 134 entries ultimately crossed the finish line. So much whimsy, creativity and laugh-out-loud humor from these widely varied projects meant naming the top twenty a difficult, though hilarious, task.