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v3.12 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@3.12.0 release (August 2021 #2)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog

Ramping up support for webpack caching in development

We added caching support for webpack in development in 3.10 and it’s gotten a fair bit of usage since then.

With this release we opt-in 20% of users for a final test before the full release.

Improvements to gatsby-source-shopify

Our gatsby-source-shopify plugin received multiple bug fixes and improvements in this release. If you use Sales Channels you might have gotten wrong results in the past. The filter for it was fixed in PR #32674. With PR #32710 the plugin will also only query location fields when you activate locations since it requires additional permissions. If you’re using Gatsby Cloud production builds will now be prioritized over content previews and branch previews (via PR #32144).

Shopify recently deprecated the valueType field on metafields. We’ve updated the API version to 2021-07, added the new type field and aliased the old valueType to this new field. So the breaking change is backwards compatible, see PR #32774 for all details.

Improvements to gatsby-source-wordpress

Also gatsby-source-wordpress received some fixes and foundational work for future improvements. A bug was fixed for Gatsby Preview when e.g. you use the duplicate-post plugin in WordPress (via PR #32488). The PR #32679 fixed the issue that a low perPage option could prevent some MediaItem nodes from being fetched.

You can set the html.generateWebpImages option now to true to generate WebP images for images in HTML fields. While this will increase the time it takes to generate images it can improve your performance scores since all major browsers support WebP now.

Notable bugfixes & improvements

  • Dependency Updates: The Renovate bot updated a bunch of dependencies (see full changelog for more details), most notably: eslint (7.28.0 to 7.32.0), styletron-react (5.2.7 to 6.0.1)
  • gatsby-plugin-sitemap: Add warning that old exclude option is obsolete, via PR #32509
  • gatsby: Worker support for gatsby develop, via PR #32432
  • gatsby-source-contentful: base64 previews now reflect all query options, via PR #32709
  • gatsby-remark-image-contentful: Show useful error message for files that can not be rendered as image, via PR #32530
  • gatsby: Speed up “Writing page-data” step by ~10%, via PR #32763


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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